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Want a Year’s Worth of Concert Tickets?*
We’re giving 150 lucky winners a year’s worth of tickets to concerts and live events. Get a chance to win seats to see your favorite performers and experience all the action live.
How to Enter
1. Buy these select products for 7X entries
Any size, any flavor/variety:
GHOST® HYDRATION | Red Bull | Sprite Chill2. Use 7REWARDS® at checkout
3. Get a chance* to win a Slurpee x Tetris® handheld game
20,000 winners
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Concert Ticket Prizes
150 winners
A gift card for a year's worth of concert tickets and more.*
$1 Slurpee offer valid thru 4/30/24. Consumer pays applicable sales tax. Available while supplies last. Offer good at participating 7-Eleven, Speedway and Stripes stores.
*NO PURC NEC. Ends 4/30/24 at 11:59:59 pm ET. For US residents 16+ (minors need parental consent). Odds of winning vary by # of eligible entries. Sponsor: 7-Eleven, Inc. See full Rules (+free entry methods) at (https://bit.ly/P2-24). *A Year’s Worth of Concert Tickets awarded as $3,000 in Live Nation® eGift Cards per winner. Live Nation is not a Sponsor of the Sweepstakes and in no way responsible for the administration of the Sweepstakes, the verification of winners or the fulfillment of prizing. All inquiries regarding the Sweepstakes should be directed to Sponsor.
*7NOW offer valid thru 4/30/24. Available on delivery or Pickup orders. Limited Delivery Area. See 7NOW® App for Full Terms. ©2024 7-Eleven, Inc. All rights reserved.